Banks carry out personnel migration: Say goodbye to outsourcing

According to data from the National Banking and Securities Commission (CNBV), until June 30, financial institutions had 119,002 workers hired by third parties, which represents a reduction of 8.1% compared to the 129,526 workers in this model in the same month of 2020.

Banks in Mexico in recent months began to abandon the outsourcing scheme under which they had hired a certain percentage of their workers, undertaking a process of internalization of their personnel in order to comply with the new labor legislation in the country.

While the number of personnel hired directly by banks increased in the last year, from 127,809 people to 141,417, which represents an increase in this period of 10.6%.

However, since July the migration of bank workers has accelerated between institutions; Only BBVA Mexico, the largest in the country, internalized nearly 37,000 employees who were hired under the outsourcing scheme to its parent companies.

The general director of the institution, Eduardo Osuna, explained that they had a reasonable clarity of what was going to happen in the bill, which had been discussed for many months, in such a way that they anticipated the different scenarios.

BBVA has already migrated 37,000 employees from different bank companies to their different companies where the resources originate.

In turn, Santander in the last year went from 20,007 employees registered in June 2020 to 23,512 for the same month of 2021, the bank told Forbes Mexico that the change is explained by the change in the regulations that implied the internalization of collaborators, but also an important part due to growth in strategic areas.

At Lenum we will continue to inform you about the news about the elimination of labor outsourcing.

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